ShibbolethAuthentifizierungssystem für Webanwendungen um z.B. Linux-Webanwendungen am ADFS zu authentifizieren. Voraussetzungen
Installation/Konfiguration auf z.B. Suse-server
Beispiel: mkdir /srv/www/htdocs/secure echo "Hallo hier ist" >> /srv/www/htdocs/secure/index.html chown -R wwwrun /srv/www/htdocs/secure zypper in shibboleth-sp cp -avr /etc/shibboleth /etc/shibboleth.bak wget --no-proxy -O /etc/shibboleth/myFederationMetadata.xml #shib-keygen -u _shibd -g _shibd -h $(hostname -f) -y 30 -e https://$(hostname -f)/Shibboleth.sso -n sp-encrypt -f #shib-keygen -u _shibd -g _shibd -h $(hostname -f) -y 30 -e https://$(hostname -f)/Shibboleth.sso -n sp-signing -f Testdatei 'info.php' erstellen:
Editieren der Datei <ApplicationDefaults entityID="" ... <Sessions handlerSSL="true" cookieProps="https" ... <SSO entityID="" discoveryURL="" ... <Errors supportContact="myName@my.domain" ... <!-- Example of locally maintained metadata entkommentieren --> <MetadataProvider type="XML" validate="true" path="myFederationMetadata.xml"/> ... <!-- Session diagnostic service. showAttributeValues auf true setzen--> <Handler type="Session" Location="/Session" showAttributeValues="true"/> ...
<Attribute name="" id="upn"/> <Attribute name="" id="email"/> dann Dienst neu starten systemctl restart Konfiguration auf ADFS-ServerAdd Relying Party Trust... Start Federation metadata address (host name or URL) : Display name: " per shibboleth" I do not want configure multifactor authentification settings ... Permit all users to access this relying party Edit Claim Rules ... "Send LDAP Attributes as Claims" "Get-AD-Attributes" Attribute store: "Active Directory" User-Principal-Name -> UPN E-Mail-Addresses -> E-Mail Address SAM-Account-Name -> sAMAccountName Token-Groups - Unqualified Names -> Group "Send Claims Using a Custom Rule" "Transform UPN" Custom rule: c:[Type == ""] => issue(Type = "urn:oid:", Value = c.Value, Properties[""] = "urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:attrname-format:uri"); "Send Claims Using a Custom Rule" "Transform Email" Custom rule: c:[Type == ""] => issue(Type = "urn:oid:", Value = c.Value, Properties[""] = "urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:attrname-format:uri"); "Send Claims Using a Custom Rule" "Transform Domain Users" Custom rule: c:[Type == "", Value == "Domain Users"] => issue(Type = "urn:oid:", Value = "member@my.domain", Properties[""] = "urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:attrname-format:uri"); Testen durch : „“ ; anmelden mit upn am adfs-server Fehlersuche